Sunday, October 12, 2008

We Go Out Walking...

They say it takes a village to raise a child. What does it take when you have four children?

Ashley riding Summer, Aiden in the wagon, Grammy walking in the green shirt, Tim pushing Isaiah in the stroller, and Stephan riding his monster truck. Check out his video below.

Last Thursday evening, we found that our entire family was home at the same time. We took full advantage and went for a walk. Ashley immediatly proclaimed that she was riding her horse, she was not going to walk with us. Stephan quickly laid claim to his monster truck. That left Tim and I and the twins. Ashley quickly made that decision for us - they would ride in the wagon and she would pull them. May I remind you that she is riding her horse. While I was in franticlly searching for my shoes, Ashley found a piece of bailing twine, tied it to the wagon, and loaded up Isaiah. Tim already had Aiden in the stroller. When I finally ran out the door to catch my family, the sight that I saw had me laughing. Check out our walk. (Tim's mom joined us too!)
Both of these videos are funny. The first is Ashley pulling Isaiah in the wagon, and the second is Stephan riding his monster truck.
Tim with Aiden, Stephan, and Grammy.

Can you believe this horse is allowing a wagon to be pulled behind her? Summer is the best mare. Yep, for those of you wondering, Ashley is bareback with shorts on. Nothing out of the ordinary.

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