Friday, April 24, 2009

Happy Birthday, Tyler!

Our Little ~ Big boy is growing up! Tyler turned 3 today!

First, we celebrated by going out to breakfast! Yummm! Tyler had macaroni and cheese with galaxy grapes. (The dude in the background is one of Tim's employees. He was with Tim when we called and said, "Breakfast Time!")

Then, we gave Tyler his birthday present from us. Does he look surprised?

He has been asking for a bike for 2 months!

After that, I had some errands to run, and Tyler got to pick up his glasses. Doesn't he look so handsome?

He had his friend birthday party at school. (Mom's, let me tell you ~ it was the easiest, cheapest birthday party ever! I bought ice cream sandwiches and party hats. All of his friends were there to sing to him and give him a special day. I didn't have to clean my house twice ~ once before the party and once after, I didn't have to wonder where I was going to put all of the toys ~ he doesn't need any, and I didn't advertise that it was his birthday for that reason, and I didn't spend a fortune on goody bags, food, planning activities for adults and kids, etc... Think about it ... Just kids ~ just fun ~ no mess at my house. Priceless...)

Tomorrow (Saturday), we will have his family birthday party at a pizza place in a neighboring town. Ashley is playing in a soccer tournament so we will have lunch or dinner at a local pizza joint and celebrate with grandparents and cousins. Fun, Fun, Fun... (My rant: She (Ashley) plays at 9:45 am and then not until 8:15pm. What the heck? We live too far away to just drive home! OK - enough whining.)

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