Sunday, January 11, 2009

HGTV's Dream Home Give Away

Have you entered yet? I have. Not sure what I'm talking about? Then you aren't keeping up with your HGTV!!

HGTV builds these amazing houses every year. Then, they give you a chance to win it! Isn't that very generous of them? I think it is.

Here is what you need to do. Simply "click" on the top button. Unfortunately you can't see the entire button, but if you roll you mouse around the top portion, a little piece of the cut off button will be highlighted, and it will take you straight to the entry form. (I hope.)

Please know that I'm not getting any type of endorsement or kick back from HGTV. They don't even know I embedded their little widget on my blog. I don't care if you click it or not. I'm just simply getting the information out to you.

I do have a question. What would you do with the house and car? Especially if you live in the mid-west or the East coast? Leave me post and tell me... I'm dying to know.

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