Tuesday, July 20, 2010

I Have No Words...

This is Aiden.
He is a lover of LIFE!
He wakes up happy and stays happy for most of the day (he has his moments).

He also loves shoes.  Shoes of any kind - no "kinda like his momma" comments.
This particular day he happened to be wearing Tyler's slippers.  In this house, no shoe is safe from Aiden.  We all tend to hide our shoes so he doesn't take off with them.
He is also a hat freak.
Again, he has Tyler's hat that he has borrowed, taken, obsconded with, politely asked forstolen.
Tyler is very protective of his things. (For obvious reasons.)  Aiden could care less what anyone thinks about his actions.

This is such a lovable kid! 
How could you not love a kid who steals shoes, hats, and sunglasses all the same day that he was caught throwing cherries at his brothers because the cherry splatter looked like blood when it hit his brothers?
Only with boys...


Jamie said...

BOYS! They are way to cute to get mad at. Most of the time....

Christie Bryant said...

Adorable! I love boys!