Sunday, June 12, 2011

A Cat's Life

I love when my teenager comes into my room early in the morning to snuggle with the cat, and converse with the mom!
What great friends the three of us are!

No amount of time can erase the memory of a good cat, and no amount of masking tape can ever totally remove his fur from your couch. 
~Leo Dworken

This quote is so true...

Can you see the cat hair on my comforter?

Tigger came to live with us when Ashley was 2.  She would haul him around in doll buggies, and child size shopping carts.  She put boas on him as well as clip on jewelry.  If Ashley was dressing up ~ Tigger got dressed up too.  During the early years of roping...when Ashley had roping lessons ~ Tigger got roped.
Tigger has attacked large animals and small animals.
Now, 15 years later, he still gets into bed with the kids and waits for them to wake up.  At that point he begins purring while they "maul" him.
By the way...He HATES to have his picture taken.

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