Sunday, May 30, 2010

The Sunday Morning Post....

Just a few pictures....
to keep you up to date....
on the daily changes that occur in my children....
Can you stand the cuteness? 
I need more time with them!  (Do we ever have enough time with our kids?  Ashley only has 2 more years at home ... then off to college.  Yikes!)
What is up with the funky-lopsided beanie?
I love my family!


Jamie said...

Beautiful family!!
It's a one of a kind experience to double or triple your family in such a short time. So worth it though.
I would love to answer your questions. I am afread it will be too long for a comment. Shoot me an email

Christie said...

I love these photos! So much fun!

Thanks for stopping by my brought me back to you again! :-)

You asked about the scrap corner - I'd say shelves with jars. I have lots of stuff shoved in jars so I can see what I have and still seem organized...i.e. ribbon, flowers, buttons, etc.

I hope that helps!