Monday, June 16, 2008

Random Ramblings...

I'm suppose to be cleaning my house and running, but instead I find that I'm unmotived ~ so, here I sit typing. Procrastinators of the world unite! Grab a cup of coffee, sit back, and read what's been up on our world for the last three weeks. I really need to be more current with this blog thingie...

My birthday -

No - it was not a camping lantern. I got a Dyson Animal Vacuum. No, it's not sexy, but it is so much fun. I actually vacuum my floors now! It is a huge deal around our house! My day was spent cleaning out the garage. It was so full of crap that we couldn't even get the Excursion parked in there! We didn't get it finished, but we are slightly more organized for the next cleaning day...(which will occur on Father's Day.) My girlfriend called around noon and demanded that she watch the boys and Tim and I go to dinner. We went to "Nic's" for a very nice dinner. Ashley stayed home with Isaiah, and Melissa watched Aiden. Ashley didn't want to go, but she volunteered to watch one of the boys.

Time with Friends...

Last week, my friends Wyatt and Wylie came to spend the afternoon with us. I had forgotten how lazy summer days can be. Check out the way the kids spent a large portion of the afternoon.
Wylie is sitting on the left side, Wyatt is sleeping on the couch, and Ashley is sprawled across the loveseat on the right side of the photo. Those were the days...

Wylie saw Wyatt and Tim eating peppercinis and he decided that he could eat them too! Hmmm... maybe he just needs more practice.

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